ప్రాజెక్ట్ స్థితి
Current Best-Selling Books
Potential Milestones | Book | Published | Estimated* Sales |
Reference/Science Actual Sales |
The Process of Science | 2024 | Actual: 0** Sales/Month: 0 10 Year Estimate: 0 |
Most actual sales Science Fiction (tied) |
Dune (Frank Herbert) | 1965 | 20,000,000 |
Most actual sales Science Fiction (tied) |
Andromeda Nebula (Ivan Yefremov) | 1957 | 20,000,000 |
Most actual sales Self-Help |
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach) | 1970 | 44,000,000 |
Most actual sales Reference/Science |
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care (Benjamin Spock) | 1946 | 50,000,000 |
Most actual sales Crime/Mystery Fiction |
And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie) | 1939 | 100,000,000 |
Most actual sales Children Fiction |
The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) | 1943 | 140,000,000 |
Most actual sales | A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens) | 1859 | 200,000,000 |
Most estimated sold & distributed | The Bible | est 1450 BC | 5,000,000,000*** |
* This table is based on publicly available estimated statistics.
** Actual book sales reported & audited by Shopify Inc.
*** This publicly quoted number implies that, since the printing press was invented, it was sold/distributed 712,000 times for every month of the last 584 years.
Project Financials
We believe that Project costs can be supported by the one off transaction fee added at checkout. If this holds true, sales profit will be whatever books you purchase i.e. total book sales x 1 cent USD.
Any profit will be donated to an education or science based cause(s).
Financials will be determined, donated and details published on this web site (generally on a yearly basis in May/June due to the Australian financial year) should profit become available.
At this stage we have not determined any education or science based cause(s), but expect:
- The education or science based cause(s) will be determined at arms length by external parties through a process that will be made available on this web site.
- To reduce country bias, this will likely be based on country sales data.
- Be a tax deductible cause(s), otherwise taxation could reduce the donated amount.
The project started in Nov 2022 and has hosting funding for 10 years.
Notices will be posted here and on:
1 August 2024 - Passed 6000 sales. However, we are going to have to pause the project again due to work commitments. There is still over 9 years of hosting in the budget so we will get everything active again once our other commitments are completed.
28 July 2024 - Passed 5000 sales. If you believe a science book should be the best-selling book of all time, then every copy your purchase for 1 cent will help us achieve that goal.
July 2024 - Development changes completed and tested. Cosmetic changes to web site.
Dec 2023 - The Project site went live. It was paused after 1 month as further development was required. All marketing will be hold while awaiting key technical resources. This project is a love for science, but it wont put food on the table.
There are some coding changes required to optimize the e-commerce platform. The live data pages need to be added. Backend polling needs to be reduced from 30 minutes to 15 seconds.
Nov 2022 - We have made some cost optimizations that have allowed us to reduce the single fixed transaction fee from $1.30 to $0.80 per order. This fixed transaction fee allows us to to offset some transaction charges and financial & publishing fees.
The infrastructure for the Science World Record Project has been coded and added to the e-commerce platform.