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The Project

Dieses Projekt hat ein wissenschaftliches Nachschlagewerk mit dem Titel „The Process Of Science“ erstellt, das sowohl frei verfügbar als auch für 1 Cent pro Exemplar käuflich zu erwerben ist.

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„Der Prozess der Wissenschaft“ umfasst nur 4 Seiten. Es behandelt Wissen, Voreingenommenheit, wissenschaftliche Theorie und den Prozess der Wissenschaft in 4 einfachen Diagrammen.

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  • Quote

  • You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves into. - Asmongold TV
  • Video

  • CC Chris from New York, Westchester County on Voyager - SciManDan
  • Video

  • Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 4: The Conspiracy - Professor Dave Explains
  • Video

  • What's wrong With Modern Science And How To Fix It - Universe Today interview of Dr Paul Sutter
  • Video

  • Flat Earthers claim objects disappear because of diffraction? - Dave McKeegan
  • Quote

  • Conspiratorial thinkers tend to score lower than average on tests of critical thinking ability. They tend to trust their own intuition over actual facts. … There’s a bit of the Dunning-Krueger effect there also: conspiratorial thinkers tend to think they’re smarter than the population and have all the answers. - The Skeptics Guide to the Universe


You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves into. - Asmongold TV Channel


CC Chris from New York, Westchester County on Voyager - SciManDan Watch


Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 4: The Conspiracy - Professor Dave Explains Watch


What's wrong With Modern Science And How To Fix It - Universe Today interview of Dr Paul Sutter Watch


Flat Earthers claim objects disappear because of diffraction? - Dave McKeegan Watch


Conspiratorial thinkers tend to score lower than average on tests of critical thinking ability. They tend to trust their own intuition over actual facts. … There’s a bit of the Dunning-Krueger effect there also: conspiratorial thinkers tend to think they’re smarter than the population and have all the answers. - The Skeptics Guide to the Universe Website

Title background image courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, Jupiter ERS Team; image processing by Ricardo Hueso (UPV/EHU) and Judy Schmidt. Wow!